We're just two Michiganders who want to make rad stuff for you.

Bloom & Glory is Katie Blanchard and Rose Brickley. Together we are a paintbrush, pencil, and pixel-wielding super-team, here to offer you beautiful, approachable, fun answers to your design needs and conundrums.

We both hail from the Mitten state, but first crossed paths organizing around food justice in Chicago. Our friendship blossomed, and with it, a discovery of our mutual talents and interest in art and design. After many spontaneous collaborative projects, we decided it was time to make our pARTnership official, thus Bloom & Glory. 

When Rose isn’t obsessively kerning type and doodling in Adobe Illustrator, she can be found in Seattle trying to bike up a hill, making vegan feasts, and wishing she had a dog. Katie can’t stop learning every mode of printmaking. She lives in Minneapolis, where she shovels snow for half the year and tries to grow interesting plants for the other half. They share strong opinions about podcasts.